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Друзья Тут: 16 лет 10 месяцев
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Друзья Тут: 16 лет 10 месяцев
19971307 Tekken: Dark Resurrection
Story mode rewards Beat story mode with any character to get the following rewards
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Tekken Bowling minigame Beat story mode 3 times
Command attack minigame Beat story mode 2 times
Theater mode Beat story mode 1 time
Unlock Stage 0 in Dojo Mode Complete all 6 stages in Dojo mode to unlock stage 0. In this mode, you can play against all downloaded ghost characters whenever you want.
Tekken Dojo Unlockables While playing through Tekken Dojo, several featres can be unlocked. The majority are unlocked as you are through Tekken Dojo, while some are unlocked after completing Void Dojo.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Tekken Dojo Time Attack Unlocked while playing through Water Dojo.
Tekken Dojo Survival Unlocked while playing through Fire Dojo.
Tekken Dojo Gold Rush Unlocked while playing through Wind Dojo.
Tekken Dojo Roulette Battle Unlocked while playing through Void Dojo.
Jinpachi Ghost Unlocked Clear Void Dojo. Must beat Ranking Tournament and defeat him.
Heaven Dojo Clear Void Dojo. Must beat Ranking Tournament and Jinpachi.
3,000,000 G Awarded after clearing the Ranking Tournament in Void Dojo.
Tempest Auras Play through Earth and Water dojo.
Life Auras Play through Fire and Wind dojo.
Burning Auras Beat Time Attack
1,000,000 G Beat Jinpachi after beating the ranking tournament in Fire Dojo.
Unlockable Movies There are few unlockable movies other than the ones gotten by playing through Story Mode with each fighter.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Tekken Dark Resurrection Opening Movie (AC Version) Beat Survival Mode
Tekken 5 Opening Movie (Console Version Pt.1) Beat Time Attack
2006 E3 trailer Beat command attack 5 times around 1min 30 sec
Opening Movie Console Part 2 Earn more than 5000G in one round in Gold Rush Mode
Jinpachi's Winning Movie To unlock Jinpachi's winning movie, get to his stage in story mode, and lose to him. This will also unlock it for viewing in the theatre mode.
Get a different background 'Fist' on the main menu screen. When you turn your game on, and the default background is originally Kazuya's Hand, if you get certain characters to Tekken Lord you can change the background 'fist'.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Kazuya's Hand Default
Jin's Hand Get one character to Tekken Lord
Devil Jin's hand Get three characters to Tekken Lord Jinpachi and a special rotating background Get four characters to Tekken Lord
100,000 G When you complete a character's story mode you will recieve 100,000G. This only works once.
Unlockable: How to Unlock
100,000G Beat a character's story mode once
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Тайлер Sims 2, The: Castaway
Knome Cheat You may enter the cheat at anytime during LIVE mode.
This cheat will activate the knome cheat. A knome will appear in a different spot on every Island. To use knome walk up to it and press x. You can then access the other cheats you have activated.
Cheat code: Effect:
Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Up, X, Right Trigger Unlocks Knome
Square 4 times, Left Trigger Max current Food and Resources
X, Right Trigger, X, Right Trigger, X All Plans
Square, Triangle, Right Trigger, Down, Down, Up All Craft and Resources
Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 14 секунд:
Тайлер Sims 2, The: Castaway
Knome Cheat You may enter the cheat at anytime during LIVE mode.
This cheat will activate the knome cheat. A knome will appear in a different spot on every Island. To use knome walk up to it and press x. You can then access the other cheats you have activated.
Cheat code: Effect:
Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Up, X, Right Trigger Unlocks Knome
Square 4 times, Left Trigger Max current Food and Resources
X, Right Trigger, X, Right Trigger, X All Plans
Square, Triangle, Right Trigger, Down, Down, Up All Craft and Resources
Возраст: 31 | | Сообщений: 16 Благодарности: 0 / 15 Репутация: 0 Предупреждений: 1
Друзья Тут: 16 лет 10 месяцев
на[size=4][font=Arial Black]на кил зон:Unlock Abilities You can access the ability selection screen by pressing [Square] on the weapon selection screen. Abilities are unlockable bonuses that let you do certain things, like carrying 3 grenades or having 50% more health. You can unlock these abilities by aquiring a certain amount of points. Poins can be collected by completing challenges.
50% More health: 300 Points C4 Placement twice as fast: 100 Points Carry 3 Grenades: 020 Points Carry 3 Smoke grenades: 140 Points Carry 3 Syringes: 060 Points Carry 4 Pressure Mines: 220 Points Carry Unlimited ammunition: 480 Points Close Combat damage doubled: 260 Points Trip Mines disarmed twice as fast: 180 Points Your Buddy has 50% more health: 340 Points В миссии на аванпосте есть место, где нужно обойти турель справа. Я нашёл способ быстрее - я пошёл на выступ с турелью, а по нему прошёл дальше. Эта хитрость важна при поединке, потому что за это я получил золотую медаль.
Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 47 секунд:
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Prequel Bonus Start a new game with a saved game file from the original Monster Hunter Freedom on your memory stick to begin with some of the items you had in the Monster Hunter Freedom chest and bonus Zenny.
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